Most men will agree they have been stopping short of God’s standard of sexual purity. The question if God is not satisfied with anything short of perfect purity, is stopping short but still looking Christian enough?
Although visitors and conversions are great metrics in our consumer society for all things capitalism, we must began to ask the question: Is measuring the church in this way biblical?
Disillusioned and Dissatisfied: The Inner Struggle of Every Woman
Oprah Winfrey, Megan Markle, Hillary Clinton, Khloe Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Demi Lovato, Cardi B, Sheryl Sandberg and Hailey Baldwin. What do all these women have in common?
When an American friend mentioned the “Mommy Wars,” I had to ask her what that was. Apparently, there is a perceived “mothering battleground” where moms pit themselves against each other.
Selfie, My Facebook, Selfie, My Twitter Feed, Selfie, My Instagram, My Personal Brand. We are a generation wired for self-promotion and self- love. Why are we lonely?
Solo Christian; Isolation and the Need for Biblical Community
“Out of 100 men, one will read the Bible, the other 99 will read the Christian.” D. L. Moody could not be more spot on. As a non-believer, I did not pick up the Bible to learn about Christianity
The death of the beloved Robin Williams, it has inspired me to share my own story on addiction and depression. Robin Williams was a sparkle in a world of ordinary, we see in him the handiwork of God.